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Anita Brocka
Jun 23, 2022
In Meditation & Mindfulness
"...most of us are scared of the unknown, no matter how beautiful it could be. We are dreaming, right? We say "one day I´ll be or do this" ... then we wait. We postpone. We find excuses. We do it because we are scared. We rather stay where we are, even though we are not happy. But it is okay cause it´s comfortable and known to us. We literally kill our desires every day by making decesions based on what is and not on what could be!!! We are on autopilot, thinking the same thoughts over and over, reacting to the same things (news, job etc) and we are losing control. We are like a robot. Instead we could make some time to CREATE, to create consciously, to imagine more, to visualize our best life a bit more. We think it is not possible because of our environment, cause "hey there is nobody in my family who is truly happy with their job and living their purpose... who am I to question anything and start over?!" If you are part of this community - love to call us family lately - then you must know that our core message is to learn to live a conscious, meaningful and fulfilled life because this is how we define true SUCCESS. These three words are very important to me and resonate with my heart deeply. And I am absolutely convinced that it is possible for all of us to live consciously, to find meaning and feel fulfilled on a daily basis. Once I´ve heared a sentence like this "happiness is to be found within but the feeling may come and go... But if you have found true meaning in your life, you will be able to navigate through any challenge and happiness will join you on the road"- I love this perspective! At this point I would like to explain the words: CONSCIOUS, MEANINGFUL, FULFILLED I believe that "leading and living a CONSCIOUS life" means simply not being on autopilot. Not being held as hostage to our old programs and conditioning. It means to become self-aware about our belief systems, our choices, how we observe life, what attitudes and perspectives we hold and why. Most likely all these PATTERNS & BELIEFS are limiting and we are not even aware of them, as they were passed on from our parents into our subconscious memory. All this stored information lives in us and we haven´t even questioned them. We have been living on autopilot and we automatically act out of our parents beliefs EXCEPT WE SEEK NEW ONES. Living consciously also means to make conscious decisions every day from a place of love, not fear. And last but not least it means to be willing to create change and long lasting transformation in our lives because we want it. We are dedicated to do the work (the self-love work, the shadow work, the spiritual work) and break generational patterns because we love ourselves enough to do so... Have you ever asked yourself "Do I live a meaningful life?" - I do not know what truly gives MEANING to you in life but I hope you feel fulfilled doing what you are doing. I hope you feel like you are living your purpose and the work you do every day is meaningful to you personally. Because you love it. Because you are passionate about it. Because you feel aligned with it. I am not a purpose coach but I think it is the hardest thing for all of us to find out what our purpose is. But it is our job to do so! It is a brave choice indeed to get curious about ourselves, about life and explore all hidden sides of our way of being. Embodying self-love and practising self-love consciously every day plays a huge role in our decision making process. Whether we choose and allow ourselves to slow down a bit, to become more present, to become more conscious, to dig deeper into our hearts, desires, talents, hobbies, anything that sets our soul on fire and awakes hope and creates meaning in our life...
I hope that you are FULFILLED. Full of love towards yourself. Filled with passion and compassion. Full of confidence and trust. Filled with joy and gratitude. This is the life I want you to have, because you deserve it. This is the life I am choosing to live day by day. A conscious life of meaning and fulfillment. So, to answer the question: "who am I to question anything and start over?!" You are a Life Designer You are the conscious creator of your own experience. You are the person you want to be NOW. You have always access to your ideal self and you can always choose to think, feel, act like the person you want to be. I am curious whether these words resonated with you, if you feel like you already live consciously but still searching for meaning and trying to figure out stuff? Anything that comes to your mind, share with me, with us. Love, Ani
Anita Brocka
Jun 09, 2022
In Meditation & Mindfulness
Meditation has changed the game for me. It has been integrated in my routine since 2017. I was a restless, always-on-the-go type of person, it wasn´t easy for me to just sit down and BE. Until I´ve literally FORCED MYSELF. Until I´ve realised it is my ego that wants me to be alert, in control all the time. Until I´ve consciously created a so called MEDITATION CORNER in my home. It´s beautiful, peaceful, a clean space to sit, pray and contemplate... "Meditation is always a different experience" Forcing myself to just BE was more than necessary, it was back then when I started this creative journey, producing content, putting myself out there, showing up every single day... Things started to go OUT OF CONTROL, there were so many new things and challenges I had to face all alone, there were confusing moments, it was easy to get lost and distracted. My soul was craving for more CLARITY and slowing down. I started to do yoga and every time I finished, I went to my meditation corner to sit calmly even though it felt strange, even though I had no idea how to meditate "properly". Until I´ve realized there is no proper way, I FOUND MY OWN WAY TO "CONNECT". CLARITY. CONFIDENCE. EASE. Kind of my favourite words. We all ARE these words. But not always. Meditation gives us access to them, to feel them, to be them, to live through them. When I meditate, I am not always able to get to a state where I am thoughtless or do not feel my nose and the space around me. Yes, I had those deep experiences too but I learned to not put any pressure on myself. I learned to just sit and BE with myself and any thought or emotion that comes to the surface. I let them come and go. That´s it. On the other hand, I have to admit that I am also a huge fan of self -soothing, GUIDED MEDITATIONS, where I focus on a voice, on the high vibrating words, I feel elevated emotions and I am able to connect to my HIGHER SELF and FEEL MY OWN LOVE. Nothing is more beautiful than that. This is my favourite type of meditation, to connect with my ideal self and my desire on purpose. Every day I envision the best version of me, my ideal and DESIRED STATE so I can begin/continue my day in the absolute utmost faith that all is working out for my highest good. Meditation, IMAGINING OUR FUTURE SELF is the first step for LONG-LASTING CHANGE and transformation. It helps us focus our attention on the powerful now, so we can get out of old and familiar thought patterns. It helps us restructure our brain, be more conscious, be the observer of our thoughts and our lives. Share your experiences in the comments with us. So curious how meditation works for each of us, how can be make it a fun, soothing experience so we want to come back to it more often. And remember: Meditation can be anything! For me it is dancing sometimes, walking my dogs, having sex, cooking a new meal and so on. :) Love, Ani
Anita Brocka
May 18, 2022
In Self Love
You know I´m a big fan of meditation. Actually, my two favourite manifestation tools and practises for livin la vida loca are meditation and dance. I consciously use these tools to connect with source energy aka with my highest self and tap into my inner wisdom. When I meditate I feel peace, clarity and endless love. When I dance freely, I feel alive, sexy, fun and confident. What a perfect balance in energy. What a flow! Thankfully there are so many wonderful tools we can use to feel better, to wind down, to turn off our chatty mind and utilize focused thought and energy to create. We have the freedom of choice between painting, singing, dancing, meditating, running, cooking, masturbating and the list goes on. ALWAYS CHOOSE WHAT FEELS BEST FOR YOU IN THE MOMENT. There is no right or wrong, no technique or tool is better than the other. You choose. You do not need to create a routine right away, you do not need to be too strickt about it and you definitely do not need to set some kind of daily goal to follow through just because somebody told you so. It will only exhaust you, it might even make you judgemental about yourself if you cannot keep your promise. There are more than enough rules out there, you do not need to create any more of them in your own precious world. I want you to BE EASY about it. I want you to FLOW and listen every day to yourself. I want you to ask yourself every day: "What do I truly need; How can I nurture my body and soul; How can I make myself happy today?" - These questions will put you at ease and make you realize that you are there for yourself no matter what you did or did not do! This is so important, and again we are back to the core of it all, which is SELF-LOVE. If you truly love yourself, practise and embody self-love every day then you will be more playful about everything in life. You will not take things, including yourself too seriously, cause guess what... nothing matters too much ;) - You can drop the resistance right now! If you love yourself deeply you will take life more as a game and play and laugh and do whatever the hell you want to do because you will treat every day like the first and last day of your life. Disappointing? Oh no, it is EXHILARATING indeed! And I´m not talking about the Carpe Diem lifestyle, I just want you to be able to see the big picture at all times and be simply the non-judgemental OBSERVER of yourself and your own life. I want you to be more present, appreciate this day and consciously look for things to be thankful for. And last but not least I want you to release some resistance and drop the pressure you have been feeling and carrying for so long. If you are here, in the NOW you will notice that the pressure dissolves, the resistance fades, the problems solve themselves alone. I want to leave you with this today: You know exactly what is best for you, you are incredibly intuitive and you have your own wisdom and inner compass. You are so free you could choose bondage. You are your best advisor, teacher, parent. You are an autonomous being. You have the freedom of choice and you decide at any moment of time what´s the next best feeling step for you. Love, Ani
Anita Brocka
May 17, 2022
In Manifestation
Let me get straight into this, I´ve never been the dilly-dally type of person:) We hear a lot about the expressions manifesting and manifestation, what is it really and how do we do it? What are we manifesting constantly? Well, we are always in the process of manifesting, we cannot not manifest, it is natural. We are always creating something, we are focusing our energy and attention towards something, we are imagining and visualizing and dreaming (consciously, not consciously, subconsciously). The result of all this is some kind of manifestation, a manifested version of focused thought and energy. It can be a house, a car, a well-paid job, a blossoming relationship, but also "just" a FEELING. Now this is the interesting part and I want to get a little bit practical and playful with you now: When you think about your next desire - no matter what it is and please do not kill it right away with doubt - what kind of emotion(s) are you feeling about it now? What kind of mood does thinking about your desire put you into in this moment? Stay there for at least 17 seconds and you will naturally attract more and more joyful thoughts around your desire (your feeling will definitely be one of joy if you focus on the fulfillment of your desire on the other hand, your feeling will be definitely one of frustration or desparation if you focus on the lack of your desire). So, what is your dominant feeling right now? Play with it for a little while, take your time, this is such an enjoyable game, just to play out something for the bare pleasure of it! Children are so good at this, they don´t have the need for anything to manifest, they just play and visualize simply to feel exhilarated. Isn´t it wonderful? :) Oh yes it is. I´m gonna tell you two little secrets. First, please know that feeling good is the biggest manifestation at all times. No matter what kind of material stuff have you manifested or are you in the process of manifesting, you want all them because of the feeling of FEELING GOOD, feeling joy, feeling free, feeling fulfilled, confident, proud etc. Second, you can start to feel good right now, no need to wait for a physical manifestation of your desire. You can already establish the feeling of your desire, which is in general feeling good but you can also name and practise other emotions of course like I mentioned above. You can CHOOSE NOW how you feel and what kind of mood you want to calibrate to through the power of focused thought and energy. You got the power! Some questions to ponder: Where do you focus upon mostly? How long do you stay there? How does it feel? Good? - Awesome, then stay there for a while and practise that feeling and state of being. Do you focus on something unwanted and it feels bad? - Fine, acknowledge it for a moment and understand that it is your choice how you react and how long you react (!) but do not dwell in that state or situation, it is not worth it and it is definitely not a self-loving act. You need to love yourself enough to do your utmost to make yourself feel good, or at least a little bit better. You are capable of doing that, because first of all you are love and then again, you have the power of choice! You do not need to figure out everything right now, you do not need to set big goals, all you need to do is to love yourself, be there for yourself as your best friend and your own soulmate who deeply cares about your wellbeing and knows that there is no separation between us and our desires (more about this topic in another blog). You will see, if you only do this, all your desires will come to you naturally when the timing is right. You do not even have to focus on anything and any of them except of loving yourself and FEELING GOOD. That´s the ultimate goal and this is how we define true success at the University of Love & Inspiration. And I am so happy you are part of this community. Love, Ani Share with me any of your thoughts or questions in the comments, I am happy to reply and connect with you.
Anita Brocka
May 05, 2022
In Dance
I invite you to dance with me. To feel yourself. To enjoy yourself. To move your body. To feel the energy flowing through you. No perfection. No choreo. Just you being yourself. Click on DANCE WITH ME in the category and post your own free flowing dance, whatever your soul desires to express right now. I promise, you will feel at least one of these emotions: fun, empowerment, connectedness, freedom, sensuality. It´s worth to get up :)
Anita Brocka
Apr 10, 2022
In Self Love
I was wondering the other day about my own self-love journey, when did it begin, how did I feel first, how did I practise it, how did I express myself through it and eventually how I learned to EMBODY self-love. Wow. What a journey it has been. Still is. As it is never ending. How beautiful and challenging at the same time. Right? To face yourself, your fears, your traumas, your passions, your hidden sides of you. How beautiful and challenging is it actually to give yourself permission to let go of the past, step out of the victim role and start to re-parent yourself, to serve yourself, to accept yourself, to understand yourself, to explore all sides of you. To me, it was the year 2016 when I knew I was gonna choose something better for myself. I was gonna actually choose change because I deserve better. No matter how hard it seemed. It was December and I just got fired from my 9to5 job. I asked for a raise and they said goodbye. What a slap in the face - I thought back then. Little did I know that it was the beginning of my healing and self-love journey, a direct path to finding my true calling. Today self-love means to me: Waking up and feel love for myself because I want to. I want to be my own mother, mentor, best friend and soulmate. I want to be kind to myself first and foremost. I want to speak to myself in a positive way because I want my inner world to be peaceful. Because I know, only then I may serve others and shower them with my own light and happiness - the most valuable gifts we may give our loved ones and the whole world Do things that make me feel good because feeling good is the ultimate goal and the biggest manifestation Meditate and feel clarity, ease and connected to that unified field called LOVE Love myself midst of any challenge and situation where I might not be my "best self" Love all parts of me that want to come to the surface because "hey I´m not here to play some good girl role all the time and stay silent" Give myself time to heal no matter what the circumstances The last two are big ones for me. Because they were the most challenging. My two biggest acts of self-love on my journey were to GIVE MYSELF TIME TO HEAL AND TO LEARN TO LOVE ALL PARTS OF ME. As a takeaway for today, I would like to tell you this: Love yourself enough to know that you have plenty of time to heal and everything that is truly meant for you and to be in your life, will find its way back to you, no matter what. There are plenty of opportunities, nothing can be missed that is yours. Your desires are a manifesto, you are here to live them and express yourself through them. - I truly hope you find a healthy relationship with time as it is only a construct, an illusion and you define it, you give meaning to it. Accept that you are a colorful rainbow. You have so many sides, you can play so many different roles and characters, you can even have so much fun with all that and be playful. But first, you have to understand that you are a forever changing being with your "ugly and beautiful parts" , you have to be every version of yourself and embrace it all, it is the only way to live a fulfilled and authentic life. Your turn: Tell me about Your self-love journey so far. How did it help you heal? What has been difficult? What did you learn? How did you grow? Comment below, let us connect with each other in a meaningful, vulnerable way. Love, Ani 🦋
Anita Brocka
Feb 21, 2022
In Our Purpose & Guidelines!
Our mission on the University of Love & Inspiration is to feel, connect, play, dance, laugh and express ourselves freely. This is how we define true success. We consciously get out of our analytical mind and get into our body. We imagine more than facing our 3D reality. We practise self-love & playfulness every day because loving ourselves in the moment and having fun raises our vibration immediately. We build a whole new vocabulary for ourselves based on what we want and not what is. We meditate, we practise mindfulness and segment intending in order to create our days more consciously. All in all: We think-feel-act like the person we want to become, because that person is already us, now. Join our community today and experience life on a new level, a life where you EMBODY - through thinking, feeling and acting - your desires NOW. Love. Anita ! Community Guidelines! Membership: You will be manually accepted by the admin(s) after you have requested the membership with your mail address and name. App: Once you are a member please download OUR OWN APP called SPACES on your phone for staying updated on the go and easily connected with all of our community members. Sunday Newsletter: You may also subscribe to our weekly Sunday Newsletter so that you receive a WEEKLY RECAP from community activities and a PERSONAL INSPIRATIONAL NOTE from me for the upcoming week. Comments, posts Members can connect with the admin and/or with each other via comments and in the members space and app. This will ensure a structured, transparent overview of valuable information, educational topics. There will be categories/groups for members to post as well. Respect Being part of this community requires mutual trust. What is shared in the community should stay in the community. People SHOULD feel SAFE AND VULNERABLE. Nothing will leave this group without consent. No screenshotting or sharing. No bullying, no hate speech Feel free to share your thoughts, story etc. but always in a constructive manner. Make sure that everyone feels safe and respected. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things such as race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated. Thank you. Anita & Team
Anita Brocka
Mentor, Trainer, Journalist, Researcher
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