Action and daydreaming - how to find balance in your everyday life
Many people use the term 'work-life-balance' but have zero idea about what it actually means. So I'm going to explain it to you. It is very simple. And I love simplicity. Life is not complex at all, we make it one. It seems like we cannot trust simple things, we cannot trust that things can be and go easy for us. We cannot even trust and believe that our basis of life is freedom, the purpose of our life is joy and the result of our life is growth. These are statements from source. This is our core truth. We just forgot it.

Balance looks different for everyone. For me it looks the following, one day I work, one day I'm super creative and active, one day I'm in my mind enjoying all the ideas that I channel from source. It's exhilarating and these are moments where I know for sure that I am in the flow of life. But the next day I'm passive, that day I'm more inward, I'm more in my body, in my heart. That day I'm dancing, I'm listening to music, I'm going out in nature, I'm cuddling, I'm singing.. And last but not least I AM DAYDREAMING.
I allow myself to just BE. I allow myself to paint beautiful pictures in my mind and align myself with my vision. I feel the emotions ahead of my manifestation and I rejoice in them. I acknowledge that there is just as much LEVERAGE IN THE DAYDREAM AS IT IS IN OUR ACTIONS. You know, daydream is action too, it's just happening in your mind, in your imagination. Don't underestimate it.
You have to acknowledge that consciousness is always first, reality is second. This is the law of the universe. We humans envision first, think about it first, create something in our mind first, and then we take action.
With that being said, what I'm actually trying to say is, NEVER COMPENSATE your misaligned energy with unnecessary actions. It won't work. It will just lead you to burn out, doubt and confusion.
You are a powerful being, you are the creator, the designer of your own life and you have to love yourself enough to allow yourself to just be and maybe not do anything. Cause if you are defined by what you do then who are you if you don't do anything? You are not defined by your actions. You are defined by your self love and the amount of love that you give out into the world on an every day basis. Once you are operating from the frequency of love, your life gets easier. Opportunities find you. You will have a better work flow. You will be more patient with yourself. You will know naturally how to balance yourself. You will simply tap into your core.
Look, You are the one who eventually defines how your balanced everyday life will look like. You have to study yourself, love yourself, get to know yourself on a much deeper level, you gotta invest in yourself first and foremost so that you can figure out what works for you and what doesn't.
You are the operant power in your life. Nobody can tell you anything. You make up your own rules. You are the one building structures for yourself.
Especially when you are an academic like me, especially when you are an entrepreneur like me, especially when you are an artist like me. We are FREE, we are creators and visionaries with a big goal to achieve and to align ourselves with. It is our responsibility to be in control of our mind and our life.
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